MPD Setup

In this tutorial, we will see my setup for Music Player Daemon (MPD)


First install necessary packages (mpd and ncmpcpp).

For Arch based distro run following command in a terminal

sudo pacman -S mpd ncmpcpp


Create necessary directory and files. We will use ~/.config/mpd directory for mpd configration. Run following commands

mkdir -p ~/.config/mpd/playlists
touch ~/.config/mpd/database


Create a file called mpd.conf inside ~/.config/mpd directory with following text

db_file                 "~/.config/mpd/database"
music_directory         "~/Music"
playlist_directory      "~/.config/mpd/playlists"

auto_update "yes"
bind_to_address         ""
port                    "6600"
restore_paused          "yes"
max_output_buffer_size  "16384"

audio_output    {
        type            "pipewire"
        name            "Pipewire Sound Server"

Adjust music_directory value appropriately to point to the folder where you have your music files.

Start Server

We will use systemd. Use following command to start mpd at startup

systemctl --user enable mpd
systemctl --user start mpd


Start ncmpcpp and press 1, 2, or 3 to view different layout for browsing the songs.

If you cannot see the audio files, make sure to restart your computer once.


Hopefully, this tutorial was helpful.

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